mauvelily's musings

Where I'm at with ebooks

The tipping point for me on buying kindle ebooks?

Done -- used up remaining gift card balance / bought last ebook on main amazon account, which is not my native currency.

To do / under consideration -- once the balance on my secondary account (for the kindle in my currency) gets spent, stop buying kindle ebooks all together??

Why? It has always bothered me that amazon technically doesn't consider the ebook file, your book. They don't really offer you access to the file outright. If you care about that too, heads up that changes have been made to how you can and cannot access your purchased files, as of 2023.

So I'm rethinking purchased content there all together. Rent if on kindle unlimited, with a very occasional subscription/cancellation, sure. I'm currently on a KU promo of $0.99 for 2 months!

I know they (self published authors using the exclusivity of kindle unlimited / KU) can't be making much money on that... but I'm just using the system and parameters they've set.

My library has a decent selection of digital ebooks and audiobooks, so I think I'll be prioritizing borrowing over buying to go along with this.

It would make things easier to just buy works from authors who sell DRM-free, period. I've always known this, but I may be at the point to put that into practice for future purchases.

Also I kinda want to use Calibre less if possible? I want to do less file wrangling.

#ereading #simplify #thoughts