mauvelily's musings

Small updates

Dusts off blog

Selling and decluttering books, clothes, etc. has really slowed for me. Shakes fist at algorithms

There's the economy but the slow down of my sales seems like maybe my listings are just not seen at all, or maybe I've sold all of my "good" stuff and it's the dregs that are left. Maybe I'll try wading into etsy again for digital sales? I tried both around the same time, but since I sold nada on etsy and had sales from the physical items, I put more energy into that and let my etsy listings expire. I don't really like paying for listings there either. It would be more palateable to me if they didn't expire, and you are charged for the listing when it sells.

One of the cloud storage services I've been using, Filen, introduced a Note function in the browser so I'll play with that. I've started the tedious process of properly backing up my music files, and that is very annoying for singles. I should start a master list and having access to both on the same platform should make that a bit easier?

Also, I finally started the audiobooks of Stephen Fry's Harry Potter narration for the first time. Almost at book 7 so I think I'll finish the whole series by the end of year.

Is a public journal for me? I'm not sure.

I wanted to keep the content posted a bit more curated, but I might try random and various updates here, since I don't see myself returning to social media. I felt like me joining various social platforms was solely to see other's content and updates, but I feel done with following in that way. I accept that means disconnection from people I know in the simplification of stepping back.

I've had a fair number of previous abandoned blogs, so I knew when I started this one I may not stick with it. Taking the thought of writing for myself, and not really for others - should I just go back to a private journal that isn't published at all?

I was always not really fond of social media. Pinterest I found useful for the visuals, but what really would have made it super useful for me is re-arrangement of pins. I never actually used it for bookmarking of site and content purposes.

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#simplify #thoughts