mauvelily's musings

On digital notes

How it started:

Word docs (very old MS Word on inherited computers, later 3rd party freebies like Open Office, Libre Office, Softmaker.

How it's going:


I've converted to using a synched note service as my notes now, from lazyness - no more keeping multiple copies of doc files (because they need to backed up, too). I used to be far more "offline" but can't deny how convenient a synched note platform is.

I previously used a Blackberry Q5 (fave phone EVER, BB10 OS and its Hub function were my jam!) and one of the integrated apps was Evernote.

At the time, I lead a weekly class and had associated notes. That's why I started with Evernote originally, and it suited my needs: a way to have a copy of some of my notes on the phone (that I could input from the laptop).

I got about 2 years out of the blackberry before support for Evernote ended. Back to android. I tried OneNote briefly, it was okay. After Evernote changed their free device limit, I started looking at other services.

Notebook by Zoho (Essential / free tier)

I switched to Notebook by Zoho, because I liked the more visual design.

Standard Notes (free tier)

For my master notes - which is more reference/archive and info/research type things that I DON'T need on my phone, I'm testing Standard Notes.

The web layout is familiar if you used Evernote.

What I use: The web browser versions, and Notebook by Zoho's android app. Most of my content is simple text notes. I don't have a lot of content that needs spreadsheets. I don't usually need to attach anything (images, files) or use a web clipper.

Since I separate the functions, I haven't found it annoying to maintain two platforms. I can always sign in on the browser to the other service if needed. If I got mugged or lost my phone, my more personal notes are not kept on the phone.

Both services offer an Evernote import, but I did a note declutter session to archive instead, so can't say how well they work. I slowly copied over what I needed on the new/current phone.

Other services I briefly tried in web browser versions:

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#digital notebook #simplify #thoughts