mauvelily's musings

Leaning into audio

It's been cold.

I've basically been ignoring my ereader and have the earbuds in this winter. Part of organizing and backing up my files is re-discovering what I downloaded and never listened to. Bluetooth earphones and cozying up in a blanket, and not having to hold anything is making me efficient at chipping away at my audio TBR (To Be Read) list.

Started trying audio dramas or fiction scripted podcasts, since I had some of those on my TBR and they feel similar to full cast audiobooks, probably more like radio plays.

Late to the party, but yes CASE 63 has shorter episodes (~15 minutes or less) and is easy to binge. You can definitely go through both seasons in one or two sessions if time allows.

Need an android podcast app suggestion? I'm using Antennapod.

So after inhaling the Harry Potter audiobooks, (it had actually been so long since my last re-read that I forgot major plot details like who dies),

I circled back to Tom Felton's self narrated memoir BEYOND THE WAND.

Enjoyed it; but was a little confused by the last "lost chapter" contents, it sounds like something happened on social media? Or maybe it was a more a general reminder warning, not sure. I had an interest in the main trio actors' careers for a little bit, but will admit that never extended to the rest of the kids cast.

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