mauvelily's musings

Happy birthday Taurus

Tauri? Tauruses?

April 20 - May 20 seem to be the standard dates referenced.

Happy cake day, fellow Taureans. I won't snub tiramisu, but you can have my share of black forest cake any day.

Since the sale coincided with birthday month, AND it was DRM-free, I picked up an audiobook from a fave author/series that I do like to re-read. Sub $5 prices don't seem to pop up super frequently so I grabbed it.

Audiobook tip

I browsed the sale section at (USD and USA/Canada, no international?), and it was price matched by the publisher at the googleplay store, so I got it there in my own currency.

How to check for DRM-free at the Play store:

Under "book info/details/about this book", you want to see EXPORT: AVAILABLE.

In the library view, click on the 3 dot menu of the individual audiobook to download your file. There have been 2 versions to choose from on my purchases -- standard and high quality. They are m4a files (I haven't seen mp3 available).

I've bought a few a la carte audiobooks here so far, and the only downside I've seen is, the cover art doesn't seem to be embedded/included in the downloaded m4a files for some reason.

I don't find it too much trouble to download the cover art separately, rename it to "cover", and put it into the audiobook's folder in Voice (android audiobook app). I haven't gone to the trouble to learn how to embed it myself yet.

And there was one online store sale I couldn't resist for an impromptu birthday treat. It was 40% off shop-wide, so I snagged a decent discount. I appreciate individuals and businesses that run good sales at times of the year that are NOT black friday.

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#DRM-free #thoughts