mauvelily's musings

Faster book decluttering

I spy free little libraries

Walking back home from errands, I took a detour route to avoid some road construction. In this way, I discovered 2 new-to-me Free Little Libraries, which was a pleasant surprise.

They both had room to spare, so I made sure to head back and donate a handful of books to each one. Admittedly, I went a bit overboard at previous library book sales, and these donations were mostly those cheap books that still sat unread all these years later.

I also managed to sell some books to a different new/used bookstore than the one I tried years before. They took a decent amount of what I brought in! Because these types of stores will typically only buy from you what they DON'T have, it really depends on their existing inventory.

Between these 3 sources, this round I simplified my space by getting rid of about 25 books. (Here's the previous round.)

While I'm team ebooks and audiobooks now, I think knowing these local free little libraries are around will help motivate me to finally read some of my paid paper book collection that I can't get at my library, or doesn't exist digitally at all.

Since selling my books online lately has been dismal with only 1 random book sale, I might list online for a few months first, or just donate them straight to the little free libraries if feeling impatient.

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